About Us
Percent of patients do not take medication as prescribed
The cost of bringing an investigational new drug (IND) to market
Smart Packages used
Vision Statement
We envision a Digital Healthcare world where adherence is no longer guesswork and patients are empowered to maximize the effectiveness of their medications.
Leadership Team
Allan Wilson MD PhD was Full Professor and Head, Section of Addiction Psychiatry, at the University of Ottawa for over 25 years. He co-founded IMC in 2001 with Michael Petersen, and now devotes full time to the study of medication adherence. Allan has worked as a consultant in the health-care field for both public and private sectors, and his research interests lie in clinical pharmacology, biotechnology and large data systems. He is an internationally known researcher in the field of addiction medicine, and has published over 100 academic papers in the areas of pharmacology and clinical outcome research.
Michael’s high-tech entrepreneurial career spans over 30 years. Michael co-founded IMC in 2001 with Dr. Allan Wilson. Since then IMC has become the world’s leading provider of innovative medication adherence solutions. Michael operates on a philosophy of partnership and cooperation, and makes IMC’s solutions available through a variety of fulfillment channels worldwide. Michael is widely recognized as a leading authority on intelligent packaging technologies and smart packaging sensors, having been invited to many international conferences as a guest speaker.